Title of Project: The half-moon house of Mount Mogan
Location: Mount Mogan, Zhejiang, China
Time of Design: Jan.2010
项目名称: 莫干半月庄
项目地点: 浙江莫干山
The inspiration comes from the spirit of the mountain which concludes the far-reaching meaning of still. In the upper family leisure club, the project is not for sale, it is used for operation instead. The single building was divided into two parts. And the visitor will be able to have a totally private court. We try to arrange the bamboo creatively to make the elevation alongside the lake look like a Chinese traditional painting. Finally, the architecture totally emerges into the surroundings
灵感来自于莫干山的精神,它体现了静谧而又深远的含义。 在总图中体量较大的是家庭休闲会所,项目是用于运营而不对外销售。 较小的、排列而成的单体建筑分为两部分,游客将能够拥有一个完全私人的庭院。 我们试图创造性地运用竹子肌理,使湖边对面望过来的立面看起来像一幅中国传统画,高低错落有致,建筑完全融合在自然环境之中。