Title of Project: Soland Tech Swap Station
Location: China Mailand
Gross Floor Area: 120 m2
Time of Design: Oct. 2022
项目名称: 阳光铭岛重卡换电站
项目地点: 中国
建筑面积:120 m2
Under the vision of achieving "carbon neutrality", new energy vehicles are essential to the emission reduction target. Power stations matching electric cars have also sprung up across the country. With the introduction of the Industry 4.0 strategy, innovation in the construction industry has also emerged. From "smart factory" to "smart production", the fourth industrial revolution of the construction industry drove the transformation of traditional buildings to an innovative development model of intelligent manufacturing. Therefore, this design concept originated from the modular prefabricated building concept in Construction Industry 4.0, creating an organic whole from design to implementation, and realizing a complete industrial chain of industrialization, assembly and informationization through digital design. A whole new concept was born. We proposed: "design the building like a technology product". Rich changes are generated in the building skin based on the basic framework that meets the functions of the power exchange station. At different times, the light and angle will change differently. A gull-wing door similar to a sports car design provides a sense of futurism and ritual for each refuelling process. The power station is like an art installation when the door is closed, showing a seamless sculptural sense.
在实现"碳中和"的愿景之下, 新能源汽车作为减排目标中重要的一环.与电动汽车相配套的换电站也在全国如雨后春笋般出现。随着工业 4.0 战略的推出, 建筑工业的革新也应运而生. 从"智能工厂" 到 "智能生产", 建筑行业的第四次工业革命, 驱动传统建筑向智能制造的创新发展模式转型. 由此, 本次设计立意源起于建筑工业4.0中模块化的预制建筑理念,打造从设计到落地的有机整体, 通过数字化设计实现工业化,装配化, 信息化的完整产业链。一个全新的概念也因此而生, 我们提出:“像设计科技产品一样"在设计这个建筑物。在满足换电站功能的基础框架上,在建筑表皮生成丰富变化,在不同时间,光线,角度都会有不同变化。类似跑车设计的鸥翼门,为每一次加油的过程提供未来感和仪式感.而在门闭合状态时,换电站整体如同一件艺术装置,呈现浑然一体的雕塑感.运动般的张力从表皮的起伏中迸发。