Title of Project: The Teaching Complex of Zhejiang University International Campus
Location: Haining, Zhejiang, China
Time of Design: Jul. 2014-August.2015
Floor Area (m2):30879 m2
Note: This project is the work of the chief architect during the period of UAD
项目名称: 浙大国际校区湖东综合体
项目地点: 浙江海宁
建筑面积:30879 m2
This project began with the premise that the president of Zhejiang University had demanded all the buildings to be the Western classical style. We took a long time to research the scale and details of the Western classical style architecture. What’s more, to meet the need of the advanced teaching system, we tried to turn these three buildings into a modern complex. So the interior space design became the most important part of the project. Students can spend a whole day here, with sofas and chairs for rest; a cafe for simple meals; a conference room for multi-person discussions, etc. All the spaces are integrated into the full-height indoor atrium.