Title of Project: The Library of Shandong Normal University
Location: Jinan, Shandong, China
Time of Design: Nov. 2011-Apr.2012
Site Area (m2):39761 m2
Floor Area (m2):51098 m2
Note: This project is the work of the chief architect during the period of UAD
项目名称: 山东师范大学长清小区图书馆
项目地点: 山东济南
用地面积:39761 m2
建筑面积:51098 m2
Located in the center of the college, the Library of Shandong Normal University is the most important building. The new library connects the educational facilities in the west and student residences in the east. The 46.7-meter-tall, 9-story tower collects 1 million books, including a large number of special collections.
The form of library was required to be concise and solemn. We use cheap local granite which is called Shandong White Pearlto reveal the purity of the concise form.
In order to dispel the negative influence on the view sight from the entrance of the university, we separate the architecture into two parts and connect them with entrance lobby and sky cafeteria which are wrapped with glasses, making the campus landscape axis continuity. No wonder that the students will enjoy a good view of the college when they were studying in this new library. In addition, the v-shape of the plan enables the building to gain more sunlight. It also helps to dispel the giant volume of this tower from the perspective view.
山东师范大学长清校区图书馆位于学校的中心,是最重要的建筑。新图书馆连接了西部的教学楼和东部的学生宿舍。这座高 46.7 米、高 9 层的塔楼收藏了 100 万册书籍,其中包括大量特藏。 图书馆的形式要求简洁庄重。我们使用山东白麻这种廉价本地花岗岩来展示简洁形式。为了消除建筑对大学入口景观的负面影响,我们将图书馆分成两部分,并用玻璃包裹的入口大厅和天空自助餐厅将它们连接起来,使校园景观轴线具有连续性。难怪学生们在这个新图书馆学习时会欣赏到大学的美景。此外,平面的V形使建筑物能够获得更多的阳光。它还有助于从透视图中消除这座塔的巨大体积。