Title of Project: Weihai Yuanyao Technology Bay
Location:Weihai, Shandong,China
Time of Design: May. 2021
Site Area (m2):536500m2
Floor Area (m2):490000m2
Note: This project is the work of the chief architect during the period of UAD
项目名称: 威海远遥科技湾
项目地点: 山东威海
用地面积:536500 m2
建筑面积:490000 m2
Weihai's far-flung shallow bay will become the cradle of the blue ocean economy. It has China's first shallow-sea marine comprehensive test site. In the near future, it will be built into the national Weihai shallow-sea science and technology bay area, forming a new highland for the marine high-end equipment industry. Build an international marine technology and talent exchange and cooperation platform. The design fully integrates the surrounding fishing villages and utilizes the rich coastal resources of the site. It is a highly mixed waterfront community. Throughout the park, a friendly pedestrian system is a primary consideration, and the scale of the block is strictly controlled. The skyline of the city is gradually lowered along the coastline, and a line of sight is reserved for the surrounding remote villages. The hotel tower in the centre is the commanding height and landmark of the whole area, which means "the gate of science and technology" and welcomes the ocean of the whole country. The arrival of industry leaders.